mercredi 7 avril 2010

Des réactions mitigées pour la pub de Nike avec Tiger et... son père Earl

Une nouvelle publicité pour Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods met en scène ses déboires conjugaux dans une pub
Tiger Woods retrouve ses marques dans une pub
Nike: le retour publicitaire de Tiger Woods
Retour sportif et publicitaire pour le golfeur Tiger Woods
Cynisme manipulateur
Tiger Woods sous l'oeil de Dieu le Père

Nike to Run New Tiger Woods Ad Tonight
Nike Debuts New Tiger Spot Featuring Voice Of His Late Father
Nike’s New Tiger Woods Commercial Brings Earl Woods Back from the Grave
Reactions vary to Woods ad
Tiger Ad Touches Nerve
Tiger the Brand, Tiger the Man
New Nike advertisement for Tiger Woods raises questions of taste
Tiger Woods Ad Ripped Audio from 2004 Doc

Quelques réactions sur Twitter:

darrenrovell Love it or hate it. This new Tiger Nike ad is already the most talked about since the ball dribbling spot.

mileslennon Sorry #Tiger and #Nike but this video is a shameless act of guilt tripping. That said, I'll be watching the Masters.

darrenrovell1 Remember, this is the 2nd time Nike has used the late Earl Woods' voice. Was in Father's Day spot in '08.

anniealmasi Hey #Tiger Woods are you going to answer your father?

darrenrovell1 Nike's Tiger spot hit YouTube 3 hrs ago and there are still 25 tweets/minute on it. The Swoosh sure got attention tonight.

TimLemkeSports : Nike's new Tiger Woods ad is just dumb. Nike is partnering w/Tiger b/c of his golf. Focus on the golf. The ghost of Earl thing is just odd.

SportsBizNews BTW in terms of the Nike Tiger Woods spot -- say what you want, but Nike has stood by Tiger, for better or for worse

SportsBizNews: Nike of the Living Dead -- headline of the year

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